Network Appliance plays a new ballgame with DAFS, (, May 14, 2002)
Network Storage's annus horibilis; What's on tap for 2002? (c/net, December 11, 2001)
NAS Vies for the Data Center (Server/Workstation News, December 2001)
DAFS Spec Awaits IETF Green Light (InfoStor, November 2001)
New Storage Technologies Put to the Test (eWeek, October 1, 2001)
Will Direct Access File System Breathe Life into the Storage Industry? (Internet World, September 26, 2001)
DAFS Protocol to Hit the Street, Waits for Technology to Catch Up (searchStorage, August 16, 2001)
Enabling Technology For The Data Center Of The Future: DAFS And The InfiniBand Architecture (Computer Technology Review, July, 2001)
DAFS Unites SANs, NAS, While Increasing CPU Efficiency (Storage Networking World Online, June 25, 2001)
DAFS Debuts (Byte and Switch, June 19, 2001)
Network Attached Storage for Database Applications and the Impact of DAFS (Computer Technology Review, May 2001)
Direct Access Ramps Data Exchange (eeTimes, April 20, 2001)
DAFS Streamlines File Access (InfoStor, April, 2001)
Inside the Direct Access File System (InfoStor, April, 2001)
What's Hot in 2001 (InfoStor, April 2001)
VI: Enabling High-Performance Data Access (Computer Technology Review, February, 2001)
Direct Access File System (DAFS) (InfoStor, February 2001)
How Convergence Will End the SAN/NAS Debate (DM Review, February 2001)
DAFS and NFSv4 Could Become Semantically Indentical (Computer Technology Review, January 2001)
DAFS-Enabling Data Center Applications (Computer Technology Review, December 2000)
DAFS: Just Daffy (InternetWeek, November 20, 2000)
Storage Networking and the Data Center of the Future (Computer Technology Review, November 2000)
Storage to Raise Standards (IT Week, October 16, 2000)
So You Thought You Understood SANs (Planet IT, September 13, 2000)
Giganet Steps into IP Storage (Network World, August 7, 2000)
Storage Protocol Gains Heavyweight Support (, July 14, 2000)
Winning the Waiting Game-Aiming to speed up network traffic, coalition introduces DAFS protocol (Computer Reseller News, July 13, 2000)
NetApp Proposes DAFS File System Protocol (InfoStor, July 11, 2000)
Storage interoperability standards emerging (NetworkWorldFusion, June 26, 2000) |